IQQH iShares Global Clean Energy ETF USD Dist ETF Stock Quote

BlackRock’s Portfolio Managers use Aladdin to make investment decisions, monitor portfolios and to access material ESG insights that can inform the investment process to attain ESG characteristics of the fund. Business practices
• Where the issuer has set a de-carbonisation target in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiatives (SBTi) as validated by third-party vendor data. The SBTi seeks to provide a clearly defined pathway for companies and financial institutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and help prevent the worst impacts of climate change. These environmental and social characteristics are incorporated through the selection of constituents in the Fund’s Benchmark Index at each index rebalance (as described below). Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds’ prospectuses or, if available, the summary prospectuses which may be obtained by visiting the iShares ETF and BlackRock Mutual Fund prospectus pages.

Person” includes, but is not limited to, any natural person resident in the U.S. and any partnership or corporation organized or incorporated under the laws of the U.S. For funds with an investment objective that include the integration of ESG criteria, there may be corporate actions or other situations that may cause the fund or index to passively hold securities that may not comply with ESG criteria. The screening applied by the fund’s index provider may include revenue thresholds set by the index provider. The information displayed on this website may not include all of the screens that apply to the relevant index or the relevant fund.

This fund seeks to follow a sustainable, impact or ESG investment strategy, as disclosed in its prospectus. For more information regarding the fund’s investment strategy, please see the fund’s prospectus. IShares funds are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such funds or any index on which such funds are based.

It is expected that at least 80% of the Fund’s assets will be invested in securities comprising the Benchmark Index. The Fund does not currently commit to investing more than 0% of its assets in sustainable investments with an environmental objective aligned with the EU Taxonomy. The Fund does not currently commit to invest in fossil gas and/or nuclear energy related activities that comply with the EU Taxonomy. The capital return and income of each iShares fund are based on the capital appreciation and income on the securities it holds, less expenses incurred. Therefore, each iShares fund’s return may be expected to fluctuate in response to changes in such capital appreciation or income. Additionally, the securities in an equity benchmark index may under-perform fixed income investments and stock market investments that track other markets, segments or sectors different to that of an iShares fund.

Morgan EMBISM Global Core Index, J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus, J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global and Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified. Security additions and deletions into the emerging markets bond indexes do not in any way reflect an opinion in the investment merits of the security. Precious metal prices are generally Trading quotes psychology more volatile than most other asset classes, making investment riskier and more complex than other investments. In addition, iShares Physical ETCs are limited recourse obligations which are payable solely out of the underlying secured property. IShares Physical ETCs are exchange traded commodities and are neither fund nor exchange traded funds.

  • BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained a licence from FTSE to use such copyrights and database rights in the creation of iShares FTSE/Macquarie Global Infrastructure 100.
  • The Information has not been submitted to, nor received approval from, the US SEC or any other regulatory body.
  • Where any investment ceases to qualify as a sustainable investment between index rebalances, the Fund’s holdings in sustainable investments may fall below the minimum proportion of sustainable investments.
  • Investment in the products mentioned in this document may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk.

These screens are described in more detail in the fund’s prospectus, other fund documents, and the relevant index methodology document. Business Involvement metrics are not indicative of a fund’s investment objective, and, unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included within a fund’s investment objective, do not change a fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe. The content of this website is general in nature and is meant to inform auto forex trader investors, potential investors and their professional intermediaries of the existence of, and potential benefits of investing in, iShares products. However, this website is not intended to provide specific investment advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice, or to make any recommendations (personal recommendations or otherwise) about the suitability of iShares products for the circumstances of any particular investor.

Fund Type

This Fund does not currently commit to investing more than 0% of its assets in investments in transitional and enabling activities within the meaning of the Taxonomy Regulation. In the event that any investments cease to comply with the ESG requirements of the Benchmark Index, the Fund may continue to hold such investments until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position. In the event that any investments cease to comply with the ESG requirements of the Benchmark Index, the Fund may continue to hold such investments only until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position. The binding elements of the investment strategy are that the Fund will invest in a portfolio of equity securities that as far as possible and practicable consists of the component securities of the Benchmark Index and thereby comply with the ESG characteristics of its Benchmark Index. Companies are considered for inclusion in the Benchmark Index if they are determined by the index provider to be involved in the production of clean energy or the provision of clean energy technology & equipment. Companies are then selected for inclusion in the Benchmark Index on the basis of their exposure scores to the clean energy business, as determined by the index provider.

Person, that you are not seeking to purchase an investment product for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person and that you shall only distribute the materials contained in this website to non-U.S. Persons, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction in which such materials will be distributed. Investment products described on the website may not be registered under the Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction and may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred except to persons outside the U.S. in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act pursuant to the terms of such investment product.

  • Alongside other metrics and information, these enable investors to evaluate funds on certain environmental, social and governance characteristics.
  • Despite reasonable efforts, information may not always be available in which case an assessment will be made by the index provider based on their knowledge of the investment or industry.
  • It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction.
  • Person” includes, but is not limited to, any natural person resident in the U.S. and any partnership or corporation organized or incorporated under the laws of the U.S.

In respect of the iShares Products mentioned herein, they are intended for information purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or a personal recommendation or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy these iShares products. The content is provided and managed by BAUL and other companies within its group that are direct and indirect subsidiaries of BlackRock, Inc., (which include the investment manager, trustee and/or adviser of the iShares products (as the case trading journal example may be) described below in the section titled “iShares Products”, (together “BlackRock”). IShares, part of the BlackRock family, specialises in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) engineered to help you meet your investment goals. In order to offer scalable solutions to investors across different asset classes and investment styles, BlackRock has developed a set of exclusionary screens, “BlackRock EMEA Baseline Screens”, that seeks to address a majority of our clients’ requests for exclusions.

iShares Global Clean Energy ETF USD Dist

BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright in the creation of this product. BlackRock have not considered the suitability of this investment against your individual needs and risk tolerance. The data displayed provides summary information, investment should be made on the basis of the relevant Prospectus which is available from your Broker, Financial Adviser or BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited. Links to other websites are provided for your convenience, and are not to be construed as an endorsement by BlackRock of such websites, their content, products and/or services, or vice versa. BlackRock accepts no responsibility for any of the content (regardless of what form this content is in) and the use of such third party websites is at your own risk. BlackRock does not guarantee that any of the links are operational, and does not assume any responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions as a result of using these links.

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For further SFDR related fund/sub-fund level disclosures, please refer to the fund/ sub-fund specific Investment Objective and Policy section(s) and benchmark information in the prospectus that is available on the website. Issuers which are classified as violating or are at risk of violating commonly accepted international norms and standards, enshrined in the UNGC Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UNGPs and their underlying conventions shall not qualify as Sustainable Investments. It is necessary for an investment to meet the four limbs of this test to be considered a “Sustainable Investment”.

Asset Class

No person resident in Canada for the purposes of Canadian income tax legislation may purchase or accept a transfer of securities of any iShares product domiciled in Ireland, Germany, Switzerland or Luxembourg unless he or she is eligible to do so under applicable Canadian or provincial laws. This website and the information provided on this website should not be construed as an advertisement, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in the iShares products mentioned in this website, nor shall any such securities be offered or sold, in any country in which to do so is contrary to that country’s securities laws. BlackRock leverages third-party index provider methodologies and data in assessing whether investments cause significant harm and have good governance practices. Screening of a Benchmark Index against its ESG criteria is generally carried out by an index provider only at index rebalances. Companies which have previously met the screening criteria of a Benchmark Index and have therefore been included in the Benchmark Index and the Fund, may unexpectedly or suddenly be impacted by an event of serious controversy which negatively impacts their price and, hence, the performance of the Fund. Where these companies are existing constituents of the Benchmark Index, they will remain in the Benchmark Index and therefore continue to be held by the Fund until the next scheduled rebalancing (or periodic review) when the relevant company ceases to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position.

iShares Global Clean Energy ETF

The bands help to underscore the underlying uncertainty in the calculations and the variability of the metric. Further, BlackRock, its employees and other funds managed by BlackRock may from time to time acquire or hold securities or holdings in the underlying securities of, or options on, any security of the iShares products and may as principal or agent buy or sell securities. This website indicates in which countries the iShares products are registered or authorised for public distribution and on which principal European stock exchanges the iShares products domiciled in Europe are also listed.


Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Morningstar have any liability for any special, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential damages (including lost profits) resulting from the use of the Index or any data included therein, even if notified of the possibility of such damages. Markit iBoxx is a registered trade mark of Markit Indices Limited and has been licensed for use by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited. Markit Indices Limited does not approve, endorse or recommend BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited or iShares plc.

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